This will be my first prolotherapy conference. I’m a novice really. I’ve studied the original text written by Drs Hackett and Hemwall. I’ve watched the instructional video created by Dr. Peterson and the Hackett-Hemwall Foundation. I’ve practice on myself and a few willing patients who are in desperate disabling situations physically. I think my best learning experience was personally being a patient of prolotherapy dealing with my own desperate disabling spine/sacral disorders of ligament relaxation. The disease was horrible and unrelenting, but a few injections from Dr. Hauser in Chicago got me nearly normal in just three treatment sessions.
I’m especially excited after reviewing the names of the instructors, particularly names I’ve seen all over the internet while in search of a great prolotherapist. Names like Drs Alderman and Speciale. I hope I get a chance to meet these experts and introduce myself. Prolotherapy and Dr. Hauser literally saved my life. I can’t wait to learn these skills and start saving the lives of my patients whose lives were ruined by ligament relaxation and the excruciating pain it entails. Like I said, I’ve treated a handful of the most desperate patients in our practice and by following the simple guidelines of Dr Hackett and Dr Hemwall, these patients are starting to heal for the first time in many years.
The coolest thing about being a D.O. is that my studies really encouraged me to know the anatomy well, and I use my palpatory skills every day via Osteopathic Manipulation. As a family physician, I give shots all the time (too many nasty cortisone shots than I care to admit) and hundreds of trigger-point injections. So I feel primed and ready to start practicing prolotherapy!

Adam Lauer, D.O.
I just had some Prolotherapy followed by PRP for a degenerative hip and knee for which I was told joint replacement is needed. They both feel great and I am even thinking about getting back into tennis. I am sure you hear testimonials like this all the time. It is about time I start using this remarkable procedure myself for the benefit of my patients.

Susan R.
I want to say, “thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” You have made my life so much better in a few short months.
When I came to see you in July 2006, I was very skeptical because I had been to a number of doctors over the prior 2 years and dealing with a number of issues and did NOT want any more prescriptions! I went through a period of 3 years with migraine headaches in which I had seen two difference doctors and they each and me on an anti-depressant. I had all of the sudden developed allergies, which I was prescribed 3 more prescriptions. I had been dealing with an old injury to my foot, which had developed into severe pain if I just bumped it against something or anyone stepped on my foot. I also, at the same time was approaching 40 and having terrible mood swings during my monthly cycle. This was what finally prompted me to find a different solution because these emotions had become uncontrollable.
Up until this period in my life, I had been very physically fit and athletic and had never needed a doctor. When these issues began, my exercising slowed down and I have put on about 30 pounds. This was very frustrating since I had exercised every day for most of my life. So, when all of these aches and pains began happening, I became very frustrated and decided I needed to make a change in what all doctors were saying. I felt there had to be an answer. It seemed to be one thing after the other and one day I realized I was taking way too many prescription drugs to fix all the problems I was going through. I went from taking nothing all my life to taking 8-9 pills each day and still having the same problems.
You immediately prescribed a cream I put on my body every day that would put Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone into my system. My body was producing little to none of these which makes sense since my body did not produce periods on its own. I was put into birth control to produce a one day period. I noticed the changes in my mood within the 2nd month of using the cream. Yes, I will probably do that for the rest of my life, but NO more mood swings and migraine headaches during my monthly cycle.
You then began to do injections on my foot and after 3 injections, I am running again without any pain!!!!! The weight is now coming off and I feel much better every day I wake up. The allergies have been controlled and I take medications only in the spring and fall.
Your methods work and without prescriptions. I am so happy to be free of all the prescriptions today and am incredibly thankful to you for getting my “back to what was normal” for me, active and fit with no drugs. I am very grateful for your knowledge in the medical field and to Jeanette for recommending you. I will be doing the same to my friends and family.
Thank You.

Cindy F.
I recently made an appointment with Dr. Allina because of pain, swelling, and crepitus in my knees. I am a physical education teacher, volunteer EMT, and a professional pilot. All of these occupations require me to be ambulatory, be able to squat and lift heavy objects and at times, run. I had a visited a local orthopedic group on several occasions. They X-rayed my knees and told me that my knees were just wearing out and that I should “take it easy” so my knees would last longer before I needed replacements. Not being one who could see himself just sitting around and “taking it easy”, I visited Dr. Allina, who I had used in my past for my flight physicals. I shared my X-rays and symptoms with the good doctor and he quickly developed and explained a 3 tiered plan to make my knees well again.
The first level of intervention was to get me started on MSN (Alpha-Sul-flex), Glucosamine Sulfate, and Hyaluronic Acid. If this did not work he would begin using laser and prolotherapy. I have never been a big believer in supplements. When Dr. Allina recommended that I started the aforementioned regiment of pills, I agreed but was really shaking my head inside, thinking it will be a waste of time and money.
After one week on supplements, the pain and swelling in my knees was completely gone. After 6 weeks, the crepitus was reduced by 90%. Quite honestly, I still find it hard to believe. But, since I first started taking supplements, I have been hiking in the mountains of Vermont, helped my son move a friend out of a second story apartment, and been water skiing, all pain and swelling free.
My experience with Dr. Allina has been nothing but positive. He really has been a health care professional who doesn’t want to just keep treating his patients; he wants to make them well again.

Mark H.
Words cannot express my gratitude for the help you’ve given me. It wasn’t long ago that my life was debilitated by the neck and pain and migraines I had suffered from for 19 years. During that time I had been to so many doctors and tried every kind of therapy under the sun, to no avail.
At the recommendation of a chiropractor, I came to see you. Everything you said made sense, and I made my first prolotherapy appointment. I did research online, and it all looked promising. Even so, I was skeptical—I had tried so many other things—and afraid of being disappointed once again by promises of help. This would be the most invasive procedure I’d tried, and I was also nervous about that. I came very close to canceling the appointment the day before it was scheduled.
Thank God I didn’t. Prolotherapy (and you) performed a miracle—you healed my neck and migraines. My quality of life is so much better. Not only am I not suffering with pain, but I am happier (my family thanks you).
I’ve told everyone I know about prolotherapy, especially those who suffer similar pain. I’m grateful to you for giving me back my life again!
With great gratitude.

Denise H.
I injured my back for the first time in 1987 while working in construction and was unable to work for 6 months. I missed a lot of work over the next several years due to problems with my back.
In 1999, while working in tool & die shop, I injured my back again by lifting too much weight. For a number of months, I could work only part of the time. Finally in Feb 2000, I went on temporary disability with Workers Comp. for 2 years.
In 2002, I was able to work as a short order cook with reduced hours and strict weight lifting restrictions. In Dec. 2004, I slipped and injured my back again. The massage therapist I was seeing told me about Prolotherapy. Another one of his clients was seeing Dr. Alfred Allina in Fort Wayne and was amazed by the results.
I contacted Dr. Allina January 2005 for consultation session and he assured me that he could completely relieve my pain. I had my first injections on Jan. 24, 2005 and my final ones on May 2, 2005. I am completely off the pain medications and my back feels the best it has felt since 1987.
I am 45 years old and feel great! All of the pain and discomfort I have been living with for the past 17 years is gone! I would never have thought it was possible! Dr. Allina has been a real blessing! He is the only doctor that did not tell me I would have to learn to live with the pain and medications.
Thank you Dr. Allina for giving me my life back!

Doug F.